Queenstown Lakes District Council have teamed up with the Three Lakes Cultural Trust to develop an Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy for our district with the help of the local community.
A well-informed strategy will help set a shared vision and commitment to arts, culture and heritage in the Queenstown Lakes District. It will guide what should be preserved, maintained, celebrated, and will outline a roadmap of what we need to do to achieve this.
Recently, we captured valuable input from the local community during six district-wide hui. If you didn't manage to get along to one of the hui, there is still an opportunity to join the conversation and let us know what arts, culture and heritage mean to you.
We are keen to hear from all the different voices across the district regardless of your level of involvement in the arts, culture or heritage scene.
Have your say by 5pm, Sunday 30 July 2023.
Visual E-Book
A big thank you to our talented visual scribe, Rhiannon James, who came to each of our recent hui and visually recorded the voices and kōrero of our community. You can view her beautiful visual representation of those conversations here.
Our Timeline
To stay informed, here is our timeline until the strategy is presented to Council for adoption.
- June 2023: Early community insights engagement May
- July - August 2023: Development of draft Creativity and Culture Strategy
- September 2023: Community and Services Committee Meeting
- October 2023: Full Council Meeting
- Early 2024: Draft strategy public consultation
- Early 2024: Final Creativity and Culture Strategy presented to full Council for adoption
Get in Touch
If there is anything further you would like to discuss, please get in touch.
Samantha Kirk
Three Lakes Cultural Trust
[email protected]